Be the Mayor of Your Region

While traveling in Manhattan last week I had the opportunity to meet the Mayor of 10th Avenue.

More specifically he was the Mayor of 10th Avenue between 47th and 48th Streets in Hell’s Kitchen.

I stopped off for a slice at Hell’s Kitchen Pizza and out front sat Russ.

Russ had to be the Mayor because apparently he knew everybody in the neighborhood. Almost every person that passed by as he sat in front of his pizza parlor gave him a wave, a nod, honked their horn or otherwise acknowledged his presence.

In the middle of that little hamlet called Manhattan.

It was evident to me that Russ ran a business that people want to connect with, that Russ had the charisma to be able to draw people in to a business that was nothing more, arguably, than sauce, dough, and cheese.

Are you the Mayor of your territory? Do you have command over the region the way that Russ commands 10th Avenue?

Look at the picture of Russ. He’s affable, confident, and has a great presence.

I enjoyed watching Russ as I ate my slice. He demonstrated to me what it’s like to develop your little piece of memorability inside of a very big territory.

Oh, and his chalkboard says, “Not here for along time… Just here for a good time!”.

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