Are You a Noun or a Verb?

Today I received an email from Vanguard Investments that contained a video from their Chairman Bill McNabb.

In the video he spoke about the phrase Vanguard has launched to describe their over-arching principals and approach to investing.

Vanguard is so deliberate with their story that they are moving from a noun to a new verb that they have created: “Vanguarding”.

A lot has been written in this space and on Wholesaler Masterminds about enhancing your memorability.

Now the ultimate question: are you, is your practice, simply a noun or have you established your value in such a way that you are a verb?

Can the attributes of your offering be summed up in a word (o.k., maybe two) that gives your client base a recognizable description of your services and how you deliver them?

Can a verb speak about you in such a way that is not only rally’s existing clients but also entices prospects?

Tough questions – and ones I need to comtemplate for my own business.